Video bannering for higher conversion

May 03, 2023

Video banner advertisements are unquestionably a terrific tool for digital marketers looking to build engaging campaigns. A video advertisement is dynamic and is more effective at capturing viewers' attention than static graphics ever will be. Thanks to dynamic creative and programmatic technologies, you may even play with the narrative within the advertising and even target particular viewers.

In-stream, out-stream and in-banner video ads

Ads that play before, during, or after a customer's requested streaming video content are known as in-stream video advertising. They are often pre-roll, mid-roll, and post-roll video advertisements. Ordinarily, in-stream advertisements cannot be made to cease playing until a skip button is present. Out-stream video is distinct from in-stream video in that it is not the main focus of a page, which is a significant distinction.

Out-stream advertisements typically start playing only when they are at least 50% visible, and they are stopped immediately if the user scrolls past them. The sound is typically not enabled by default in programs and is only turned on when the user clicks or hovers over the advertisement. Out-stream video advertisements are typically not displayed in a noticeable video player or the viewer's primary attention on the page.

This kind of video advertisement is typically found in-article, either via scrolling or slides; natively, imitating the editorial space it occupies; or within a social network feed.

The in-banner video ads are a part of out-stream video ads. It is like a web banner with a video clip inside of it. Instead of using another static or rich media format, it delivers a video experience in the usual banner ad space. For delivery, it also depends on the web page's inventory of display ads.

But the best thing about in-banner video is that it offers a ton of extra advantages and interactive features. Using data feeds or dynamic rich media banners as examples.

The benefits of video banners

Video banners are at the forefront of display advertising, as they allow viewers to consume content more efficiently than text. Studies have shown that in-banner video ads perform better than static banner ads, as they provide the viewer with a positive choice and can encourage further engagement.

With the development of HTML5, creating banners that use video has become easier to mass produce, allowing marketers to more effectively target their desired audience.

Video can be used as the background for a banner or part of the banner animation. For example, one can create a trailer for their product or service that ends with a call-to-action (CTA) frame. This allows the user to watch the video and then take action with a single click.

Video banners can also include interactive elements, such as surveys and polls, to increase engagement and encourage users to click through. This can lead to increased conversions and more effective campaigns.

Overall, video banners are an effective tool that can help you reach your desired audiences engagingly and efficiently. They offer a creative way to showcase products or services and can be used as a powerful tool to drive conversions.

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