What makes your website unforgettable?

May 03, 2023

People look through a lot of websites daily, in order to stand out and be memorable, it is important to give your website a special touch that people will remember. So how can you create a website that everyone will remember? Keep reading to find out how you can go the extra mile.

The design of an unforgettable website 

When a website's design contributes to its user experience, functionality, and properly matches the content, it genuinely excels.

Even an experienced web designer may be tempted to ignore these issues because they believe they are at the bottom of the list of concerns for your website. Yet, a great website combines excellent user experience with high-performing content to ensure that your design is above and beyond.

The last thing you want to happen is to invest time in creating some great material for your blog or service pages only to have it ignored because of poor design, poor navigation, muddled layouts, or lost conversion possibilities.

It can be difficult to comprehend all that falls under the broad heading of website user experience while determining the most crucial issues to address.

Extra tips to create an unforgettable website

Give people something extra.
In exchange for their email signup, give them a downloadable how-to, some free research, or a coupon code. This way, people will remember that they got a nice reward for signing up for your website, and will have a positive association with it.

Add a blog: people like to read blogs, it gives your website more depth, and it is a nice way to share all of your expertise with your website visitors. 

Add videos to your website to make it more engaging and fun to look at, people’s attention is easily grabbed with video content, this makes it a great way to boost your website. Research shows that video will keep people on a web page an average of 50% longer – and the longer they stay there, the more likely they are to get involved.

An important thing that will have a big impact on your website in this digital age is its mobile-friendliness, most people are looking up everything using their phones, so make sure that your website works perfectly on mobile devices

Be you. No one else can be "you," whether "you" is just you or the entire company at your enterprise, therefore, you should be excellent at it. Make sure the website reflects your ideals and sounds and looks like you. Because there are people looking for businesses like yours, just as there is someone out there for everyone. Make sure you are the one they find.

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