Do you want to get more traffic through your website?

May 03, 2023

There are multiple ways to get more traffic to your website, keep reading to find out how you can work together with the algorithms so that they end up working in your favour and lead more traffic to your website.

Google indexing

Google indexing is the process of adding new web pages to the search engine’s index. When Google finds a new page, it indexes it and stores it in its database. This makes it easier for Google to find when a user searches for related keywords. To make sure your pages are indexed by Google, you need to submit them to the Google Search Console.

Submitting your page to the index does not guarantee that it will be included or influence PageRank, but it's still an important step in getting your page ranked in the search results. You can also find out how Google sees your website using the Fetch as Google feature in Search Console. This allows you to see if there are any issues preventing the page from being properly indexed.

If your site has disappeared from the search results, you can use the Fetch as Google feature to try to get it re-included. This can help diagnose potential problems that might be preventing your site from appearing in the search engine. It's also a good idea to monitor your website's performance in the Search Console to ensure that it's staying up to date with Google’s algorithm changes.

SEO strategy

Something that will play a huge role in how successful your website is your SEO strategy, it is important that you take the time to optimize your SEO strategy, before taking other steps to drive traffic through your website. 

When you are sure that your SEO strategy is optimal, it is time to start looking at the other things that are needed to get more traffic through your website. 

Why it is important to focus on SEO? 

Search engines can tell if visitors genuinely enjoy your website.

They imply that it offers a wonderful experience and relevant content.

In the end, your content provides what consumers are seeking by providing answers to their questions. This raises your visibility on search engine results pages (SERPs).

By doing this, you receive more visitors from organic searches via the search engine without having to spend extra for ad space.

More website traffic through social media

Having a solid social media presence can be a great way to drive more traffic to your website. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram can be used to promote content and engage with customers. When creating content, it's important to tailor it to each platform and optimize it for search engines. Additionally, tracking analytics is a must to measure the success of your social media campaigns. For best results, stay active and consistent with your social media presence. Share relevant content that encourages engagement with your followers and use hashtags that are popular within your niche. This will help you increase brand awareness and draw in more people to your website.

Social media hacks to drive more traffic to your site: 

  • Having an infographic can increase website traffic by 12% percent.
  • You can get an average of 94% more views if your web content has visuals.
  • Tweets with videos get 28% more retweets.

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