How can you make your website more user friendly

May 03, 2023

When creating a website, you also have to keep in mind the people who will be using it. There are a lot of things that you can do to make your website more user-friendly and attract more potential customers to it. Here are some of the key things to make your website more user-friendly. 

Things needed for a user-friendly website:

Clear structure

While designing an ideal layout for your website, the most crucial rule to follow is to adhere to a clear and simple structure. Too much content on a page can make consumers lose their bearings, which could lead to fewer hits and a decline in the profitability of your business. It is crucial to ensure that your website's content is dispersed evenly for this very reason. A planned and well-balanced layout goes hand-in-hand with the habit of drafting texts that are brief, easily accessible, and have a suitable length. Larger writings require paragraphs and headings to break them up. Images and videos should be skillfully incorporated into the layout of the website and follow to a common theme.

The technical side

It's crucial to consider a website's technological setup. For ensuring easy use, a flawless setup of all the page's content is essential. Ensure that all content is kept up to date. Display and loading issues give off an unprofessional impression and deter visitors from visiting the site again. Users' tolerance might be easily exhausted by lengthy and annoying loading times caused by content that demands powerful computational capacity. Frequent testing of the website is beneficial since it ensures that you find flaws before someone else does.

An intuitive navigating system

When a visitor first arrives at a website, they frequently use the navigation bar to get a sense of where they are on the page. The navigation bar is crucial since it aids in returning to the landing page and accompanies the site visitor throughout their visit.

The number of categories in your navigation bar should be kept to a minimum to prevent it from getting too crowded, and it should always be in the same spot on each page. Try out a few various placements, tab configurations, and even wordings for your bar in an A/B test. This will inform you of the user preferences and the best practices for your website.

The colours on your website

Be careful when selecting the colours for your website. Both clarity and beauty must be perfectly balanced. Not only must your colour scheme make sense for your sector, but the contrast between the background and the text must also be sufficient for the visitor to comfortably read the content without having to strain their eyes.

Clear CTA's

Do your pages have compelling calls to action (CTAs) in logical places? Visitors to your website who want to make a purchase or sign up for your newsletter want to know what to do next. Use a compelling CTA that is simple to find to make this straightforward.

In short

Consistently making updates is the secret to a website with a strong UX. Ask your clients what tools they think would be helpful, and then add those to your website. Keep in mind that the tools used for an e-commerce site will be different from those used for a blog.

Try everything out and try to view your website from the perspective of your intended audience. Over time, your website will become simpler to use for the specific visitors to it, which could result in increased sales or new clients.

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