Dynamic creative optimization (DCO)

Mar 19, 2022

Basic remarketing

Google Ads remarketing is a form of online advertising that enables sites to show targeted ads to users who have already visited their site. Past visitors will see these ads while they are browsing the web, watching YouTube videos or reading news sites, for example—keeping your brand top-of-mind and enticing visitors to come back for more. 

Remarketing, also known as retargeting, can dramatically increase your conversion rates and ROI. This is because past site visitors who are already familiar with your brand are much more likely to become customers or complete other valuable actions on your site.

Dynamic remarketing

Dynamic remarketing is an advanced form of remarketing. You can send to your customers and visitors an ad with the specific products or services they have seen on your shop. Because the message is adapted to users, you can encourage them to return to your website to complete what they had begun.

With industry figures identifying that 96% of visitors leave a website without converting. Furthermore, 70% of users abandon shopping carts without purchasing and almost half (49%) visit an average of 2-4 sites before completing a purchase.

With figures such as these, it’s easy to see why Google spawned the idea of dynamic remarketing to give retailers a second chance to re-engage with customers. Dynamic remarketing delivers the tailored content that consumers so desire and during the testing phases, proved itself by delivering double the conversion rate.

Dynamic creative optimization

Dynamic creative optimization (DCO) is an automated display ad technology that creates an infinite amount of personalized ads based on data about the viewer at the moment of ad serving. 

Content in the ads can be based on multiple data sources. This makes it possible to put your own and external data to work in an advertising context. 

By using DCO you can automate, personalize and optimize your ads creatively and performance wise towards better results. DCO is a perfect expression where creativity meets technology

Because the creative is both more relevant and also tested and optimized, dynamic ads typically outperform their static counterparts

One of the most common uses for DCO is product retargeting ads. These ads show dynamic content based a person’s website browsing, such as products viewed or added to a shopping cart (similar to dynamic remarketing).

However, product retargeting with dynamic creative is often more than simply showing the last product seen.

Often multiple products will be shown in a retargeting ad. One expert tactic is to retarget the user with best-selling items in the same category they viewed.

An entire logic engine can be programmed on the back end to weight and score various products and use machine learning to find exactly what products perform best.

Dynamic creative ads can also be used for prospecting and other similar campaign goals. These ads often use the common dynamic creative targeting variables of location, behavior, device, demographics, and context

While the sky may seem like the limit in what can be achieved with DCO, optimizing too many variables requires a lot of impressions to reach statistical significance. That’s why it is recommended to optimize a smaller number of variables in order to iterate faster. More complex dynamic ads of this type of DCO execution tends to make sense for campaigns with a lot of impressions over a significant time period.

Exemple : Using DCO, ad creatives can then deliver personalized messages that are determined by this data. In the case of geographic data, that message may be the location of the nearest business location and deal or rate available at that location

Difference between dynamic retargeting and DCO

One type of dynamic creative ad unit is a product retargeting ad. This ad has dynamic content, such as the last product someone saw on a retailer’s website. In that way, it is simply dynamic creative.

However, many retargeting executions will include some kind of product suggestion engine. This engine puts up related products in the retargeting ad as well. Because the engine employs elements of machine learning, a more sophisticated retargeting ad could be considered DCO.

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