Why use Pinterest?

Mar 19, 2022

Pinterest is often undervalued by social media marketers and considered an unnecessary component of a marketing strategy — unfortunately, if this isn't the case for your team, you could be missing out on a major source of traffic and income! Indeed, Pinterest offers plenty of unique opportunities for marketers to reach leads and influence consumer purchasing behavior. On top of that, studies show that “Pinners” are more likely to grocery shop online.

Why use pinterest ?


With over 442 million monthly active users, Pinterest is a great place for businesses to advertise products. Ads show up on users’ feeds and searches in the same format as a regular Pin, making the experience unobtrusive for users while putting your content right in front of them.

Moreover,Pinterest is specifically designed to promote product and gift ideas. It’s a social marketplace where sharing and promoting products isn’t perceived as intrusive (as it can be on other social networks) — it’s actually encouraged.

Compound that with 72% of surveyed Pinners reporting that “Pinterest inspires them to shop when they aren’t actually looking for anything,” and 70% saying they “discover new products on Pinterest,” and you have a good case for your brand to be present and active on the platform.


The reach can be incredible. If your content is engaging and valuable, it can be re-pinned again and again to different users’ boards and continue to drive consumers back to your website.

Pins have a much longer lifespan than Tweets or Instagram posts. This longevity makes them a particularly powerful asset. Pins can show up in a user's feed months after initially posted.


Pinterest users spend 27% more for click and collect shopping
meaning your Pinterest ads, or Promoted Pins, are being shown to a remarkably responsive audience.


We can argue that Images drive e-commerce sales. Since Pinterest is basically a visually driven social network, there's no doubt, then, that it works perfectly for e-commerce stores.

“Pinners are just as likely to purchase as users from other social channels, but spend 50% more on average compared to other social channels. They also spend 20% more than users referred from non-social channels, including search.”,
According to Pinterest.

Not only that, but 87% of Pinners have purchased a product because of Pinterest. But this isn’t just good news for online stores.

72% of Pinners use Pinterest to decide what to buy offline and

93% of active pinners said they use it to plan for purchases.

Based on all this data, we could safely conclude that Pinterest is a catalyst for purchases. If you can get a potential customer to see your products on Pinterest, that can lead to an eventual sale.

Pinterest Ad Types

There are a few ways to promote your content on Pinterest. To determine which ad format is best for your business, it’s important to know the goals of your campaign and the attributes of each Pinterest promotion format.

1. Pins

At first glance, Promoted Pins look and act just like a regular static Pin, but they have a small “Promoted” label to set them apart. Promoted Pins are boosted and targeted to reach more people. Users can even Pin your Promoted Pins to their boards, share them, and comment on them.

Once a user shares a Promoted Pin, the “Promoted” label disappears, and subsequent re-pins are considered earned media -- meaning, after the first pin, organic exposure to the content is free.

2. Video Pins

Promoted Video Pins are exactly like Promoted Pins — except the static image is replaced with a video.

90% of customers say video helps them make buying decisions, and that same percentage of weekly Pinterest users are on the platform to make purchasing decisions. Therefore, Pinterest and video advertising go hand-in-hand.


Promoted Carousels contain up to five images that users can swipe through. Carousels are used to give a deeper brand story within one Pin.

This feature behaves the same as other Pins, except it will have dots beneath the images that signal additional content. Each carousel image can be different and have a different title, description, and link to another landing page.

4. App Pins

Promoted App Pins are mobile-only advertisements that allow users to download your app directly from Pinterest. 

Available on iOS and Android devices, these ads include an “Install” CTA that allows for a seamless transition from Pinterest to your app.

While most of the guidelines remain the same for these Pins, your copy, image, or video should convey important attributes about your app.

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