Which content creates the most engagement on LinkedIn

May 03, 2023

Linked In is an important platform to connect with people world wide, in order to get the opportunity to connect with as many people as possible, it is important to create a strategy for your content and create more engagement with your followers. 

8 post ideas that will create more engagement 

1. Hiring Opportunities

One of the most often used sites for hiring and HR activities is LinkedIn. You can post new positions and gather resumes using LinkedIn's native job application process, but you can also offer cultural details about your company to make each position more appealing.

LinkedIn isn't just for hiring managers. Share any open positions on your team or within your department with others, along with an explanation of why they would be of interest to them.

2. Video Content

Nowadays, video content is thriving on every social media platform, it is important that you use this to your advantage, even on LinkedIn. Video content will help your post get more engagement. 

Use this to broadcast a video that speaks directly to your audience, provide an intriguing sample to increase conversions, or post a recently made film from your business.

3. Behind the scenes 

People love to see behind-the-scenes footage, it creates more connection and authenticity. 

Another way to share a personal story or anecdote is through a "behind the scenes" post. It provides a glimpse into what it would be like to work at the company. 

4. Testimonials 

Don't forget to use LinkedIn as a business platform to leverage the strength of client testimonials and experiences.

You can post quotes, highlight a success story, or showcase customer case studies. To increase interaction and reach, make sure to tag the client in all of your posts and ask them to share them.

5. Shareable infographic 

Visual posts can add variety to a text-heavy feed. Don't be afraid to utilize infographics and other images in your LinkedIn posts. 

They not only make a strong statement, but they are also very well-liked conversation starters.

6. Polls /vote-based posts 

Like other social media sites, LinkedIn enables users to design polls and solicit audience opinion.

Use poll questions to start a conversation if you want to poll your consumer base or learn more about them. As soon as the results are available, make sure to share them with your audience and highlight any key lessons that can be applicable to your sector.

7. Virtual invitations 

Do you run webinars or other online events? LinkedIn is the ideal platform for marketing it. Provide your audience with some information about the event's type and its benefits. Provide a direct sign-up link, particularly if the event is being held on a different platform.

Create trackable links to enable you to later analyse and attribute the source if you want to track webinar or event traffic that originates from LinkedIn.

8. Thought leadership

On LinkedIn, thought leadership content should ‌position you as the expert in your field, niche, or industry. Draw from personal experience and offer an educational point of view that others may not have encountered. Although this isn’t a blog post, you have a chance to be succinct yet detailed, direct, and authoritative.

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