Do you have a good SEO strategy

May 03, 2023

Planning and executing actions to raise somebody's organic search engine rankings is the process of developing an SEO strategy. In other words, an SEO strategy is a method you use to increase organic traffic to your website.

Problems with SEO

For large, complex websites, scanning irrelevant page URLs can be time-consuming for search engines. You might detect indexable pages going unnoticed by search engine bots or non-indexable pages consuming bot queries if you study your log files for crawl budget efficiency.

You might also notice that pages with longer load times do poorly in organic search. Perhaps the architecture of your website and URL structure is unclear. A page may contain some linked content that is not HTTPS like the rest of the site, or it may contain mixed content. Maybe you've seen a rise in 404 error pages. Your XML Sitemaps may have problems with out-of-date or missing URLs.

Google uses a collection of data known as Core Web Vitals to evaluate user experience, so it is important to know how you can improve your website on that scale.

A better SEO strategy

The primary goals of an SEO strategy are to increase organic visibility, drive more website traffic, and grow brand awareness.

To ensure a successful SEO strategy, it’s important to focus on the five foundational pillars: technical SEO, content strategy, on-page SEO, link building, and user experience.

An effective SEO strategy must also consider the customer journey. This means presenting your brand to searchers at every stage of their journey. It should include engaging content, attractive web design, user-friendly navigation, and an optimised mobile experience.

Organic listings drive 20x more clicks than paid ads, and SEO has an 87.41% lower CAC (cost per acquisition) than paid channels. Companies that invest in SEO can also expect to receive 5.3x ROI from Google Search. 

Focus on your strengths 

An easy way to improve your SEO strategy is by focusing on the things you’re already doing right. 

Focus on areas where Google already views your brand as authoritative and relevant, and you'll see incremental gains from the halo effect much more quickly. By doing this, you can continue to develop a certain environment to gain control there before attempting other, more difficult places.

SEO trends

It's essential to stay up-to-date and adapt your SEO strategy accordingly.

One of the main priorities for search engines is providing users with valuable content, and the best way to do that is by showing first-hand experience in content. When creating content, it's essential to take a look at existing content and topics to ensure only content within the wheelhouse is created.

Another trend to focus on for SEO in 2023 is conversational queries. With Google focusing on understanding dialogue better, it's important to optimise for voice search by focusing on natural language processing.

Video marketing is another SEO trend that can't be ignored. Over half of all consumers rely on videos to help them make purchasing decisions, so optimising for video search should be a priority.

These are just a few of the top SEO trends for 2023 that you should be aware of and adjust your strategy to fit these trends. The key is to stay up-to-date and find creative ways to ensure your website ranks high on search engine results pages (SERPs).

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